Seward Revisited!

Well, we did it and it was SPECTACULAR!  That was the word of the week. Everything we saw was spectacular! Springtime in Alaska is incredible and although we were visiting during a shoulder season and there were some things that we were unable to do, we had a wonderful time exploring all of the stops along the Seward Highway.  We made nearly the same journey that I took last October. We only had 4 days in Alaska but we made the most of it.  We took over 2000 photos and visited so many wonderful places.  We will only highlight a few here. 


Day 1: We arrived in Anchorage and didn't waste any time hopping in the rental car to start our journey.

Our first stop was to visit the Eagle River Nature Center.  Unfortunately, they were looking for a lost hiker (who we later found out took his own life.  However, the scenery was beautiful. so we took a short walk to stretch our legs.  Here is a picture taken at a pretty popular photo spot.


Then we headed back to Anchorage, stopping at Potter Marsh but the birds weren't cooperating (we didn't see any), so we headed on down the Seward Highway.  We tried to see Denali from a couple of spots in Anchorage but it was too cloudy. 

We finally arrived in Girdwood, Alaska at the beautiful Alyeska Resort. This is one of my favorite spots in Alaska.  Ski season was over so there were some things closed for maintenance but we still had a great time hiking in the woods.  We didn't see any wildlife until we drove through the town of Girdwood (after our hike) and then a moose walked right in front of our car. I think is a regular visitor who meanders through the neighborhoods. We saw her twice over our two day stay there. 

Day 2: We drove up to Portage Glacier. Unfortunately, we couldn't see any of the glaciers because they were still covered with snow. Then we visited the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center (where I think we spent over 3 hours).  We saw a lot of cool animals and a bear came out and played in the water.  I think he was showing off.  Here are some random photos along the way.  

Day 3: Wow, we did so much and saw so much on this trip.  Mostly, we enjoyed the majesty of the mountains and took a lot of pictures.  We really wanted to hike Exit Glacier but since it was avalanche season, the road was closed.  So our final night was spent in Lowell Point, a little area just south of Seward. We literally stayed at a B&B (which just happens to be for sale) right across the street from Angel's Rest, where I stayed on my last trip.  Our view was incredible and the weather was just perfect.  We took photos of eagles (sorry they are a little blurry) and the sunrise .  What a beautiful day to be in Alaska! It was about 50 degrees and sunny.

This is the view from the room in our Bed and Breakfast.  Not bad!  We stayed at the Alaska Paddle Inn.  They have a guest book and someone tried to capture the beautiful view in a drawing. Oh if only I had $975,000, I would buy this place. 

Day 4:  Ahhh, our last day...we didn't fly out until about 8pm so we spent the day exploring some more.  We visited the Alaska Sealife Center, had lunch in Seward and and made a few more stops along the way as we made our way back to Anchorage.  I think I could spend days along the Seward Highway and never run out of places to stop.  It is one of the most beautiful drive I have ever driven ( so far).  

Beautiful Resurrection Bay

I think I want my ashes placed here when I die.  I literally cried as I took this photo.  I love this place. 

Until next time Seward...