08. January 2022
Introduction The Bible tells us in Romans Chapter 1 that God’s wrath falls on the unrighteous. But who is righteous? The answer, Jesus. He is the only One worthy of that word and the only One worthy of our worship. I do not worship men; I do not worship creation and I do not worship Alaska. I love Alaska and worship only God. To Him be the glory forever and ever. Amen. My love for Alaska began in the summer of 2018, on the balcony of the cruise ship, Nieuw Amsterdam. It was a beautiful, crisp...
05. June 2019
Denali Road Trip coming soon
01. August 2018
Alaska will take your breath away. It is too vast for the eye to see or the brain the completely comprehend. It is wild, rugged and free. It is a magnificent display of the glory of God. It is in a word: Indescribable.