Frigid Fairbanks In February

Who goes to Fairbanks in February?  We do! 

I can only describe winter in Alaska with one word: Narnia. It looked just like Narnia. Simply beautiful, pristine rugged and cold.

The week before we visited, it was 27 below zero.  Fortunately, the coldest temperature we experienced was 9 degrees. 

We flew into Fairbanks where we spent a couple of days. We hoped to see the Aurora but the weather didn't cooperate. I snowed every day we were there. 

We visited the Ice Sculpture Championships and then drove up to Chena Hot Springs and visited the Ice Museum. 

A few days later, we took the Aurora Train down to Anchorage where we went dog sledding at Happy Trails Kennels. What a blast! The video below highlights our trip.

Winter in Alaska is truly magical...if you love snow...and you must love snow.

Walking in Narnia
Walking in Narnia
Denali from the train.
Denali from the train.
Dog sledding is a must do in Alaska!
Dog sledding is a must do in Alaska!